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Publication Clemens Gantner/Rosamond McKitterick/Sven Meeder![]() The Resources of the Past in Early Medieval Europe (Cambridge 2015)
Contributors Walter Pohl, Ian Wood, Desirée Scholten, Erik Goosman, Graeme Ward, Mayke de
Jong, Sven Meeder, Marianne Pollheimer, Giorgia Vicino,
Reports Vienna Contested memories and the early medieval resoruces of the past: an introduction (Walter Pohl)
Remarks on the Codex 10.11 Aug. 4o, Wolfenbüttel, Herzog
August Library
Additional information to the article
"The Lombard Recension of the Roman Liber
Pontificalis", by Clemens Gantner. Utrecht
Widukind to Wilders Leeds Cambridge
The History of a Historia:
Manuscript transmission of the Historia Ecclesiastica Tripartita by