















2010 october | december | 2011 july | december | 2012 january | märz | may | july | 2013 february | march | may | june

30 May – 1 June 2013

HERA JRP I Final Conference and Humanities Festival    

Time:  Thursday 09:30 - Saturday 22:00

Venue: British Library and Kings Place

Location: London, UK


Rosamond McKitterick


more information... 

14 March 2013



Debating the Dynamics of Cultural Memory:
The Case of the Early Middle Ages


Location: Janskerkhof 13 A, Utrecht, room 00.6

Time: 15.00-17.00



Mayke de Jong

Sven Meeder

Erik Goosmann

Robert Flierman

Giorga Vocino



Ann Rigney

The five Utrecht members of the HERA project Cultural Memory and the Resources of the Past, 400-1000 report briefly (10 minutes each) on their research and on the uses of the concept of ‘Cultural Memory’.

An important point of reference for this meeting is Ann Rigney’s
‘Portable Monuments: Literature, Cultural Memory and the Case of Jeanie Deans’.
Poetics, 52(2), 361-396.

Ann Rigney will respond; discussion to follow.

21 - 22 February 2013

International Conference


Cultural memory and the resources of the past
in the
early middle ages


Rome, The British School at Rome


This conference at the British School at Rome represents the culmination of a three-year HERA project by the Universities of Cambridge, Leeds, Utrecht and Vienna 2010-2013, generously funded by the ESF. The project has explored the eclectic uses of the resources of the past in the post-Roman successor states of western Europe in the early middle ages. It had two principal aims:

1. to determine the role played by the resources of the past in forming the identities of the communities of early medieval western Europe;

2. to identify the process by which the new discourses, ethnic identities and social models of early medieval Europe have come to form an essential part of modern European national and transnational identities.

Our work has increasingly exposed the importance of Rome, Roman history, and the integration of Christian and imperial Rome into the cultural memory of early medieval Europe. The extant manuscript material from the early Middle Ages has constituted a major resource to shed new light on the process of codification and modification of the cultural heritage, and for the study of cultural dynamics in general.

Speakers will include Mayke de Jong (Utrecht), Clemens Gantner (Vienna), Rosamond McKitterick (Cambridge), Sven Meeder (Nijmegen), Walter Pohl (Vienna) and Ian Wood (Leeds).



9-12 July 2012

International Medieval Congress

CMRP at the IMC 2012
The CMRP group was present with five sessions at this year's
 International Medieval Congress at Leeds. 

For information about the sessions, please see:

10 July 2012

fourth CMRP meeting

Leeds, UK

While the CMRP group was at the IMC in Leeds, an internal workshop was held on 10 July. Each member presented their work progress for the whole group. Technical questions about the final publication were discussed as well.





19 May 2012


Cambridge, UK

About event: As part of the big Festival of the Voice to be held by Cambridge University from 18-20 May 2012, Prof. Rosamond McKitterick is going to give a pre-concert talk on Cultural Memory at Trinity College Chapel (Saturday 19 May, 6.15 pm), mainly addressing questions that are under research by the whole CMRP research group. Please see the programme for further information.





27 März 2012

The Popes and their Greeks in eighth-century Rome: The own people, the Others and the strangers

Vienna, Austria

About event: Clemens Gantner will be speaking at the Symposium "DAS EIGENE UND DAS FREMDE" of the Centre for Ancient World Studies of the Austrian Academy. (Language: German)

26 January 2012


Utrecht, NE

About event: will offer four brief contributions, comparing the uses of the past in early medieval texts with those of contemporary conservative populists. Of course the context, the media and the audience are all different, yet there are surprising similarities in the way in which a newly constructed past offered stability and solid authority in a rapidly changing world.


  • Mayke de Jong, Historians and the uses of the Past

  • Robert Flierman, "Karl oder Widukind"? Disputing the early medieval past in Nazi Germany

  • Giorgia VocinoThe militant Middle Ages: From history to political folklore in contemporary Italy

  • Sven Meeder, Wilders and the barbarians


16 December 2011

third CMRP meeting

Cambridge, UK

About event: The meeting will mainly deal with the coordination of the joint publication envisaged for 2013. Besides, the PhD students working in the project will have the opportunity to present their current work to the international PhD students meeting “Texts and Identities XV”.



11-14 July 2011

International Medieval Congress

CMRP Sessions:

  • „Cultural Memory I: Inclusion and Exclusion in Early Medieval Europe“ 

  • „Cultural Memory II: Transmission of Texts in a Transcultural Perspective“

Leeds, United Kingdom •

About event: The International Medieval Congress (IMC) is organised and administered by the Institute for Medieval Studies (IMS). Since its start in 1994, the Congress has established itself as an annual event with an attendance of over 1,500 medievalists from all over the world. It is the largest conference of its kind in Europe.
The CMRP project will have two sessions there annually, this year mainly to present the objectives of the project.

11 July 2011

Second CMRP meeting

Leeds, UK

About event: All junior members of the project were given the opportunity to present their current work in a few minutes and get input from the PIs and the other project members. Apart from this round, the meeting was mainly dedicated to find even more efficient ways of cooperation between the subprojects.




10 December 2010

Cultural Memory and the Resources of the past

Theatersaal der ÖAW, Vienna, Austria

About event: At the Final Conference of Walter Pohl’s Wittgenstein Project (“Ethnic Identities in Early Medieval Europe”, 2005-2010), one big section on 10 December 2010 was dedicated to the future projects of the Early Medieval Research Group at the Institute for Medieval Research of the Austrian Academy. One of these future projects is Cultural Memory and the Resources of the Past (CMRP). The Viennese part of the project was presented by project participant Clemens Gantner, while the Principal Investigators Mayke de Jong, Rosamond McKitterick and Ian Wood shortly presented the parts of the project situated at the universities of Utrecht, Cambridge and Leeds. 



15 October 2010 

First CMRP meeting


NIAS, Wassenaar, Netherlands

About event: The first project meeting was first of all an opportunity for the praticipants of the project to get to know each other. Apart from that some basic organisational issues had to be talked about, especially concerning the cooperative nature of the project.


* NIAS: Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study
