Name |
Walter pohl |
Date of Birth |
27.12.1953 |
Place of Birth |
Vienna |
Current Position |
Project Leader
Professor of
Medieval History, University of Vienna
Director of the Institute for Medieval Research, Austrian
Academy of Sciences |
Education |
1981 |
MPhil at
University of Vienna in History and Anglistics. |
1984 |
PhD at University
of Vienna in History |
– 1986 |
Course at the
Institute of Austrian Historical Research, Staatsprüfung
1986 |
Professional Career |
1985 – 1990 |
Forschungsassistent beim Forschungsschwerpunkt „Neue Wege
der Frühgeschichtsforschung“ (Herwig Wolfram, Herwig
Friesinger, Falko Daim)
1989 |
1994 – 1997 |
Reseacher (scientific officer) at the AAS (at the Kommission
für Frühmittelalterforschung) |
1998 – 2003 |
Leiter der Forschungsstelle für Geschichte des Mittelalters
der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften |
2001 |
Habilitation for historical Auxiliary Sciences;
Habilitationsschrift „Werkstätte der Erinnerung –
Montecassino und die langobardische Vergangenheit“ |
since 1.1. 2004 |
Director of the Institute of Medieval Research, AAS |
2006 |
Professor for Medieval History and Historical Auxiliary
Sceinces at the University of Vienna
Academic functions |
Memberships, projects, funded sabbaticals, grants, honours
etc. |
1989 |
(Major) Grants, Honours, Memberships…
Böhlau Price |
Stipendium at the Austrian Historical Institute in Rome 1995
and 1997 |
1993-98 |
Member of the Steering Committee of the European Science
Foundation (ESF) programme ‘Transformation of the Roman
World’ (TRW) and team leader of theme group 1 ‘Imperium,
gentes et regna’ |
2000 |
Gewählt zum Korrespondierenden Mitglied der Österreichischen
Akademie der Wissenschaften |
2004 |
Elected as Real Member of the AAS |
Corresponding Editor of the journals ‘Early Medieval Europe’
(1991), ‘Millennium’ (2003),
‘Journal of Late Antiquity’ (2007) and of ‘Brill Studies in
the Early Middle Ages’ (2003) |
Member of Programming Comittee of the International Medieval
Congress Leeds (1996), of the Scientific Board of CMS (Centre
for Medieval Studies) at the Czech Academy of Sciences in
Prague (1998), of the Komission für die Herausgabe der
Regesta Imperii of the Academy of Sciences in Mainz (2002),
of the Historische Kommission (2002), Kommission für
Migrationsforschung (2006), Kirchenväterkommission,
Numismatische Kommission, Kommission für Schrift- und
Buchwesen des Mittelalters of the Austrian Academy of
Sciences (2008)
Examination of doctoral theses in Cambridge, Paris, Lille,
Arezzo, Budapest (CEU) |
Wittgenstein-Price 2004 (highest
Austrian scientific award) |
2009 |
Fellowship at Collegium Budapest – Institute for Advanced
Studies |