Name |
Sven meeder |
Date of Birth |
28.1.1978 |
Place of Birth |
Vianen |
Current Position |
Participant |
Education |
2006-2010 |
PhD-degree Medieval History, University of Cambridge
Supervisor: Prof. Rosamond McKitterick
PhD-thesis: The spread and reception of Hiberno-Latin
scholarship on the Continent in the eighth and ninth
centuries |
2005-2006 |
MPhil-degree Medieval History, University of Cambridge
(distinguished performance)MPhil-thesis: The spread and
reception of the Collectio canonum Hibernensis on the
Continent before the tenth century |
1998-2003 |
MA-degree Celtic Studies from the University
of Utrecht, the Netherlands (including study at the National
University of Ireland, Galway, in 2001 |
1997-2003 |
MA-degree (with honours) History from the Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, specialisation Medieval History
MA-thesis: ‘Huisque in calicem’ (Water in the chalice):
Liturgy and society in the early medieval Irish Stowe Missal |
Professional Career |
2009-2010 |
Teacher of Latin at Haarlemmermeerlyceum, Hoofddorp, the
Netherlands |
2009 |
Teacher of Latin and Greek at Alkwin Kollege, Uithoorn, the
Netherlands |
2007-2008 |
Supervisor undergraduate paper 4 (Part I) at the Department
of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic ‘The Gaelic-speaking
peoples from the fourth century to the twelfth’, University
of Cambridge |
2007 |
Teaching assistant to Dr Teresa Webber for Codicology
paper for MPhil course Medieval History, Department of
History, University of Cambridge.
Teacher of Latin and Antique Culture at Alkwin Kollege,
Uithoorn, the Netherlands |
2005 |
‘Immurgu: Insular Medieval Manuscripts
Reproduction Guide University of Utrecht’. |
Memberships, projects, funded sabbaticals, grants, honours
etc. |
2005-2010 |
Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge (under External
Research Studentship). |
2005-2010 |
Honorary Scholar of the Cambridge European Trust (including
Cambridge European Trust Book Prize for 2005-2008). |
2005-2008 |
Everhard Verheyden Dutch Prize, Trinity College, Cambridge
(awarded on 3 occasions) |
2007 |
Gaillard Lapsley Essay Prize (Trinity College, Cambridge)
for the essay ‘Unity and diversity in the Carolingian reform
efforts: a reassessment of the aims’. |
2005 |
Blackwell-Early Medieval Europe Essay Prize for
volume 13, for the article ‘The early Irish Stowe Missal’s
destination and function’. |